Tuesday, August 27, 2013


This artist use glass and mirrors for his designs in a very confusing kind of a way. You never know where exactly is the person whom you see, whether his next to you or his in the other side of the partition. This is so interesting in a way. I looked for his designs to get an influence for one of my ceiling designs.


This is another seed of influence which I found when I was thinking of a design for the ceiling of my restaurant. It has a very special look and a feeling. It is a very interesting design.


Solar system plays a huge role when it comes to the Sri Lankan horoscopes. I used the solar system to extract colors for my design. I got the color black which is the most prominent color in the solar system, for my design. I also got white, blue and yellow for my design using the solar system.

Following are the renderings, sections and the floor plan i did for this project.


I wanted to design a special attractive ceiling for my restaurant. The reason for that was my concept. my concept was faith. Faith on god and spirits.  This artist who does amazing designs using mirrors and glass inspired me for my ceiling design. I tried to extract his materials and style for my design. Following are few of his designs which inspired me.

Monday, August 26, 2013


This is the first ever project I did as soon as I joined to design school AOD. It was a sudden photoshoped presentation I did by my self based on Barefoot. The Sri Lankan style which this store has used for all their designs inspired me to do this presentation on Barefoot.


This drawing is the first ever pencil drawing I did with few different pencils. Earlier I was used to do all my drawings using a 2B, but for this one I used B, 2B, 4B, 6B. It was a new and a good experience for me. I got inspired to do this drawing because I saw this exact same drawing few days before, which was done by one of my relations. Though I don't have that drawing which I got inspired by on this post, the following is the real photograph with lead me to do this drawing.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


The conversation in the previous post, was the one which made me to realize that my eyes have so many things which is written on it but unspoken. So yeah! person 2 is me. I was really inspired with that clip and I made my model for the exhibition project (ID me) based on my 'TALKING EYES'.


Following is a conversation between two people.

Person 1- You know what? I was speechless after I saw your eyes.... You don't know, they are full of emotions. 
Person 2- What? What do you mean?
Person 1- Your eyes can talk to people. This is the first time I experienced such a thing in my whole life time
Person 2- Really? No one has told me this before
Person 1- Have you watched the movie Puss in Boots?
Person 2- No! why?
Person 1- The cat in that movie does the same thing as you do. That's the most closest example I would give you. Trust me I went speechless.

and here is the link which person 2 received from person 1 which is similar to person 1's eyes.


When I first visited Amaya Lake Hotel in Dambulla Sri Lanka in 2011, I got really inspired by it's interior and exterior. The hotel it self holds a very modern but Sri Lankan style designs which lead me to choose it as one of our selections for the history assignment.


When I did a history lesson back in 2009 at school, my teacher thought us about a governor who came to Sri Lanka named Sir Thomos Maitland. what lead her to tell us this amazing love story between the governor and a gypsy girl named Lovina Aponsuwa who was half Sri Lankan and half Portuguese, which was the birth story of a grand old Hotel in Sri Lanka, Mount Lavinia Hotel. That was the first time I wanted to visit this hotel. Fortunately I got a chance to visit it and to research about it and its history and the secret romance, for one of our history lessons at college. Following is the presentation board we did for this which was a group assignment.


Since my restaurant is a design which tries its best to highlight the Rio Carnival, I wanted to reserve more space to the dancing performers. I had an idea of designing an open space for this, where I got influenced by an open theater in Lunugamvehera Sri Lanka.


When my first model didn't worked out the way I wanted, I went for a second model which was my final for the model making project with an influence from the movie transformers. I wanted to show how the machinery would attack the world some day in the near future, and the bad side of the development of technology. Transformers made it easy for me to extract my idea to come up with my final which is one of my favorites.



This is a very smooth way of designing various types of things. There is a wide range of designs you can do using paper architecture, from a simple box to a complicated detailed building. The reason why I got inspired by this style is the beauty which a simple paper holds. I'm hoping to use this style of architecture for my future model making.


It was then when I first saw this video of Linkin Park, I started to fall in love with drawing statues. In the middle of this video they show a small clip of the girl who seemed to be an artist doing a drawing of a statue of mother Mary. It gives a very special feeling which you can't get by just drawing something else. I'm hoping to do a sculpture on the ceiling of my restaurant using my talent of drawing statues.  


This is a random video I found on YouTube which amused me in few different ways. How art can be so realistic, how much of patience n talent an artist should have, what kind of a role does material acts in the language of art, how a creative mind can make things so beautiful and realistic. Trust me, you won't need to miss a bit of this video. The best part is always in the end. Enjoy!

Friday, August 23, 2013


From my childhood I had a special interest for dancing because, I had a born talent for it. That lead me to learn both Low Country and Kandian, traditional dancing in Sri Lanka and Kathak which is a traditional Indian dancing style. This is the portrait I did for this project to describe who am I. Following are few of my dance poses which took me to my final design.

This is my final design...


This is the drawing i did for a single mounted visual, which shows the Kelaniya Temple. The reason why i got inspired by this photograph is its amazing detailing.

photo credit goes out to Eresh Bopage

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Aquarius... The shape of this sign lead me to design a table to sell cosmetics at my retail store.

following is the sketch i did on my furniture piece 


Basically I wanted the dinners of my restaurant to experience the feeling of the rio carnival in front of their eyes. I used this basic concept of the 'sambadrome' which is the main platform for this carnival thought the whole country Brazil, in order to fulfill my requirement. The reason is because it gives lot of space and priority for the performers at the carnival. The following is a rendering I did on my space based on the Sambadrome of Rio carnival.


Though she is a black African, she holds her own, unique beauty. That hidden beauty draw my attention on to this picture. I extracted the blue color from this picture as a color on my color pallet.


I took those costumes which Brazilians use for their carnival to extract colors and shapes for my design. They use colorful worked costumes to make the carnival special and eye catching. 


Gemini... Just because I had a personal interest to this particular zodiac sign I wanted to design something out of its shape. I came up with a holder which could hold bracelets.

This is something I didn't use for my end design... 


Libra... This is one of the designs I personally liked most. I designed a mirror in the shape of the zodiac sign which represents Libra. I liked the way my final rendering came out. My concept model influenced me with my design.


The shape of this sign inspired me for a dress holder which i designed for my retail store.